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  • Writer's pictureJeremy Wampler

Unleashing the Power: How the Thoracic Spine can Transform Your Golf Performance

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

The thoracic spine, situated in the middle of our spine, plays a vital role in facilitating rotation. However, upon evaluating individuals, I frequently notice limited mobility in their thoracic spine. This restriction can have various adverse impacts on golf performance.

To begin with, a restricted range of motion in the thoracic spine hinders power generation during the swing. An ample ability to rotate empowers us to generate the necessary force for increased distance after striking the ball. If our range of motion is limited, we won't have sufficient time to generate the required power.

Moreover, when the thoracic spine fails to move efficiently, the lower back may overcompensate by subjecting itself to additional rotational stress. Over time, this can lead to discomfort in the lower back as it is not meant to endure excessive rotation.

Additionally, insufficient rotation in the thoracic spine can greatly impact swing consistency and the ability to strike the ball accurately. Without proper rotation, we may rely on compensatory movements and adopt incorrect swing mechanics to connect with the ball.

Therefore, it is crucial for golfers to prioritize enhancing the range of motion in their thoracic spine. This enhancement can aid in increasing power, reducing the risk of lower back pain, and ensuring more consistent and precise swings."

In the video below, we will be discussing one of my favorite methods to enhance and sustain thoracic rotation.

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